Each lesson starts off with the same four beginning exercises. They are specifically designed to help you unlock your creativity.

***Remember, there’s no rule saying you have to do this all in one sitting!***

Also- remember that you can use these exercises any time and for any creative project!

Free Writing

Watch the instructional video and download the free-writing page (or open to page 8 in your workbook). Then write, write, write!

Beautiful Phrases

Watch the video, download the beautiful phrases page, and look back at your free-writing to see all of the accidentally beautiful phrases you wrote!

Song Map

Take a few minutes to watch the video, download and print the song map, and start mapping those beautiful phrases and song ideas of yours!

Song Layout

Watch the video and download the layout organization page to start putting the ideas from your song map in some sort of order. You’re doing a great job!

Now you can go back to the lesson you were working on. Great job!

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6

Have any questions? You can reach out through the contact page any time!